Harsh Verma

Full Stack Web Developer

About Me

harsh verma

Hello, I am harsh verma, a full stack MERN developer.

i am passionated about designing and developing user-friendly websites. i have all qualities to create high quality websites or improve existing websites for individuals and organisations.

Email: harshverma0362@gmail.com

My Skills

Frontend for Web Apps

harsh verma backend

I use ReactJS to develope Frontend. I used a lot of react libraries like Bootstrap, MaterialUI and TailwindCSS to create user-friendly UI. Most of times I use NextJS which is a ReactJS framework best for SEOs of websites. I use Redux for state management of websites.

HTML CSS Bootstrap Materialize CSS Javascript jQuery ReactJS Redux MaterialUI Tailwind CSS

Backend and Database

harsh verma backend

I use Node.js to create APIs for my web apps. I use NoSQL and SQL both databases as per requirements. For NoSQL I use MongoDB and for SQL I use MySQL and PostgreSQL. I love to solve problems. I created a lot of APIs for diffrent applications. I have good knowledge of a lot of NPM libraries which can be used for different purposes.

NodeJS Javascript Python Django MySQL SQLite MongoDB PostreSQL JSON Rest API GIT

My Experiences

My Projects

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